More than just live streaming speakers
More than just live streaming speakers
It is one of the biggest tech conferences in the world: The Next Web 2018. Over two days more than 15.000 attendees will be overwhelmed with inspiring talks, exhibitions, workshops and events. We Are Live brings you the livestream of The Next Web 2018 and makes those who are not here, feel they are still a part of it.
During the conference, We Are Live brings you livestream content of 8 different stages. On the stages there will be keynote talks of amongst others artist, comedian Richard Ayoade, Wired Co-founder Kevin Kelly, 9GAG’s Ray Chan and Andrew Garrihy of Huawei. We broadcast their talks throughout the world, so no matter where you are, you can be part of The Next Web, like the nearly 200.000 people who followed our livestreams last year.
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The Next Web
The Next Web and We Are Live have been partners for years and we are livestreaming the conference for the 8th time this year. In all these years we made sure that our livestreams are not just a live stream of a speaker on a stage. They are about the vibe the talks bring in the room and how people experience the talks, showing the feel they get. We do this by using 26 cameras and an editorial staff, so that we can capture everything that makes you feel as if you were in the room yourself.
At the end of the day, we create videos of everything that has happened on stage, so within hours you can find the video of your favourite speaker or another highlight of the day. Thanks to our editorial staff, we also provide noteworthy snippets during the talks, which can be shared immediately.
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We Are Live is not about just bringing you a livestream of a speaker or an event. It is about making you feel the vibe of the speaker and that of the room, to let you have the full experience.
Even if you cannot be there.