A Royal Week!

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Thomas Mulder 14 mei 2022

We Are Live went Royal this week! We have co-produced two events at the Royal Palace Noordeinde in The Hague.
On Tuesday the conference ‘Meer Muziek in Mijn Klas’ (More Music In My Classroom) with Queen Máxima and on Thursday the award ceremony of Appeltjes van Oranje (Apples of Orange) with King Willem-Alexander, Queen Máxima and Princess Beatrix. Commissioned bij event producer IINII , Méér Muziek in de Klas and the Oranje Fonds.

Both productions came to life from the beautiful ballroom of the palace. Besides the live webcasts for the press and the general public, we have provided the press with footage. Several media outlets featured our footage of the events in their news stories.

We Are Live brought it together with our partners to distribute the content in our Kingdom.