The Next Web Conference 2019

TNW 2019

Every year, The Next Web Conference is a walhalla for entrepreneurs and everyone working in tech. It’s Europe’s Leading Conference, bringing together over 15.000 start-ups, designers, programmers and investors. Visitors are indulged in a two-day festival of keynote speakers, matchmaking sessions and wicked parties. With a new venue for 2019 - the former shipyard NDSM, an even bigger venue - this year’s edition was primed to beat all previous years.

“Instead of just organizing and designing the stages and then adding We Are Live, we talk to them in advance and we design the setup together; so it’s all integrated and not sort of an addition afterwards.”
Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten, Founder & CEO at The Next Web

In all the years of growth, We Are Live has grown along in producing all live streams. This year a record of 10 stages were streamed and recorded, with 40 crewmembers working hard to stream over 150 hours of live content all around the world.

“We Are Live thinks along creatively on how to use innovations in video to fulfill the needs of the online audience and spread the magic of the TNW Conference around the world. The most important however, is that We Are Live stands for quality and peace of mind: they provide the best crew, equipment and on-site execution that is needed at this highest level.”
Wytze de Haan, Director of Events at The Next Web

As The Next Web is about innovation in tech, we couldn’t stay behind. We arranged for a fiber-network around the entire festival ground, which allowed us to control and stream every stage from 1 central location. This also allowed for a central storage for quick post-production, providing the speed and high-quality video needed for The Next Web. Over the coming months, this will be re-distributed to their audience, leading up to the next edition: TNW Conference 2020.

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BEA Award voor We Are Live 🏆

We Are Live, een Amsterdamse producent van digitale en hybride events, kreeg dit jaar de eervolle opdracht om de wereldwijde livestream van de herdenking van 80 jaar D-day in Normandië te verzorgen.

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Persbericht: We Are Live verzorgt de wereldwijde livestream van 80 jaar D-day in Normandië

We Are Live, een Amsterdamse producent van digitale en hybride events, kreeg dit jaar de eervolle opdracht om de wereldwijde livestream van de herdenking van 80 jaar D-day in Normandië te verzorgen.

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Herdenking van 80 jaar D-day: interview met We Are Live-directeur Thomas Mulder

12.500 aanwezigen en 1.000.000 kijkers. Zó voelt de herdenking van 80 jaar D-day voor Thomas Mulder van We Are Live Op 6 juni wordt in Normandië herdacht dat 80 jaar geleden het einde van de oorlog werd ingeluid: D-day. We Are Live speelt de hoofdrol bij het livestreamen van de herdenkingsdienst. En die wordt bijzonder. […]

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