We Are Live presents: Impact Makers Live!

A digital event about successful digital events

Considering going digital with events in 2023? Join us for Impact Makers Live to learn directly from other marketing executives. We will dive into two successful cases with Fastned and Barry Callebaut to show you how digital events have impacted their business results.

We will show you how far digital events have matured and how they are becoming a strong alternative to live events. So dive in with us for an interactive experience and learn how to create direct value for your organization through digital events. In the spirit of Practice what you preach, we are organizing our own digital live event on January 25th at 16:00 CETImpact Makers Live!

Our host Damla Kartal, Head of Onsite Marketing at Amazon will take a deep dive into digital events with two distinguished Impact Makers:

Bas Smit, Global VP of Marketing of the world's largest chocolate maker Barry Callebaut, who organized an immersive hybrid event to launch the 2nd generation chocolate which helped him to well exceed all his MarCom objectives.

Frans Middendorff, Head of Communication & PR of EV charging station company Fastned, who with his successful Digital Capital Markets Day for investors and financial press, contributed to a substantial new capital injection for Fastned.

Get inspired and learn from these industry leaders how their choice for a digital event exceeded all their expectations. You’ll get an inside look at the successfactors of these cases, learn how to create maximum impact with your investment, and you’ll be able to ask all your questions directly to our Impact Makers. Don’t miss this unique experience.

Sign up for free now, and see you on the 25th!

BEA Award voor We Are Live 🏆

We Are Live, een Amsterdamse producent van digitale en hybride events, kreeg dit jaar de eervolle opdracht om de wereldwijde livestream van de herdenking van 80 jaar D-day in Normandië te verzorgen.

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Persbericht: We Are Live verzorgt de wereldwijde livestream van 80 jaar D-day in Normandië

We Are Live, een Amsterdamse producent van digitale en hybride events, kreeg dit jaar de eervolle opdracht om de wereldwijde livestream van de herdenking van 80 jaar D-day in Normandië te verzorgen.

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Herdenking van 80 jaar D-day: interview met We Are Live-directeur Thomas Mulder

12.500 aanwezigen en 1.000.000 kijkers. Zó voelt de herdenking van 80 jaar D-day voor Thomas Mulder van We Are Live Op 6 juni wordt in Normandië herdacht dat 80 jaar geleden het einde van de oorlog werd ingeluid: D-day. We Are Live speelt de hoofdrol bij het livestreamen van de herdenkingsdienst. En die wordt bijzonder. […]

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