TEDxAmsterdam 2019
TEDx Amsterdam
From astronomy to war journalism and from string quartets to spoken word performances, TEDxAmsterdam had it all. We Are Live captured all these great stories and performances. Whether you joined through the livestream, or watch the talks through the official TEDx channel - the powerful stories are captured and the TEDx magic is shared with the world. Free to watch, now and forever! Watch all the talks below.
We read social posts and blogs on sustainability, we share them, we like them, we tag our friends. We think about it, we want to know more about it and we share thoughts about it. We invest our time in knowing more on how to protect our planet. We accept less of the solutions given and question more. Are the things we do, the things we should be doing?
The time to think is now over. It is time for action. Immediate action. Planet act thinks less and does more. It’s how we act. Don’t wait. Do more. Join the movement. Planet act.
I want this too!
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